Month: May 2020

What is a Doctor???

“The purpose of this commentary is to address some of the common misunderstandings of the clinical doctorate, place the doctorate in context of larger educational change and innovation, and share summary judgments about the nature and course of the newer doctoral degrees.”  The clinical and professional doctorates are used synonymously in this commentary.  Examples of clinical …

Uncommon Sport Injury to the Ankle:Deltoid Ligament Sprain

The Deltoid ligament sprain is uncommon, reported at 3-4% of all ankle ligament injuries. The mechanism of injury involves a forced foot eversion combined with external rotation. Deltoid ligament sprains are often associated with distal (low) fibula fractures.  More severe deltoid ligament injuries as associated with syndemosis ankle sprain, high fibular fractures, and lateral ankle …

Improve Health and Injury Recovery by Improving Your Immune Function

I had the pleasure to attend a webinar this past weekend by Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac., in which he discussed ways we can improve our overall healing by optimizing our immune system response. How do we optimize immune function? What is an immune response? The primary response acts rapidly after an invading pathogen (virus, bacteria, …