My Vision for this blog is to provide a way for anyone around the world to access musculoskeletal healthcare advice and management. I have been a Physiotherapist for 26 years in orthopedic manual therapy, finding myself unable to provide hands on care for the time being. I feel a loss of my village ie: patients and colleagues. I need to help people attain healthcare and fitness during the time of social distancing. I am a caregiver by trade and personality and need to find a way to help.
A little about me in order to legitimize my advice. I have multiple science degrees, two specifically in Physical Therapy, an entry level Master of Science and a terminal Doctor of Science. I attended a Residency program in Perth, Western Australia and completed a Fellowship in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy. I am a life long athlete, Collegiate track and field athlete, downhill and cross-country skier, power lifter, cyclist, runner, etc…
I am integrating movement analysis, pain relief and strength and conditioning into a specialized program for different body regions and pain conditions.
My inspiration is multifactorial. I would like to begin this blog with a targeted workout inspired by my friend Whitney, in Myanmar. I am modeling the naming of workouts after the CrossFit workouts. I will name workouts according to the inspiration, based on their limitations and needs. In the future we will include images and/or videos.
Today is the maiden voyage of with our first target workout: THE WHIT
THE WHIT: targets abdominal and gluteal activation protecting the low back and neck from flexion extension movements with additional focus on latissimus dorsi, traps and the rotator cuff.
Abdominal Isometrics: laying on back with hips and knees flexed to 90 degrees, place opposite hand on opposite knee, push with opposing resistance for a 30 second hold, do not rest, switch to opposite side. repeat this for 3 intervals. Progression of the interval on second round is to slightly lift shoulders off floor, third round slightly rotate shoulder and upper trunk to opposite side of resist, you can place arm/elbow on ground for support. Make sure you support your head with your hand during progressions.

Lateral Lunge: step sideways and bend your hip and knee, keeping heel on the ground, opposite knee stays straight. Push up with the bent leg to bring yourself to standing, and bring foot back beside the other. Go on direction for one minute, and switch to the other side without a rest.
Latissimus Dorsi pull down/Squat Holds: Tie a theraband around legs just above knees in a tight bow with legs together. Place a second theraband over the top of a door, with a knot in the middle. Stand with feet slightly apart and push isometrically into the band laterally (no cowboy knees) squat and hold while pulling down on the overhead band repetitively for a 1 min hold.
Rotator Cuff/External rotation arm lifts: Tie a theraband in a bow snug around arms, just above elbows with arms in front of body, elbows remain bent. Push out into band (External rotation isometric) making a little space between arms in front of body, maintain that space as you lift your arms up so that elbow rise to the level of your head and then return elbows the side of your body. Repeat this maneuver for 1 min. Do not release tension on band, keep space between arms, go at a pace you can complete a 1 min interval.
PROGRESSION OF THE WHIT: repeat all 6 exercises 2x or increase time interval from 30 sec to 1 min holds and 1 min to 2 min holds.
Love what you’re doing here and look forward to seeing more blogs and posts!
Orlando, FL
Thank you for reading. Chris and I am doing a new workout today, which I will post after